If you’re drinking enough water, you should be passing between one and two litres of urine a day. When you feel thirsty, it’s a sign that you’re already getting dehydrated.
Dehydration can leave you feeling tired, make it difficult to concentrate and impact your physical performance.
Mild dehydration is easily remedied by drinking some water. But losing a significant amount of water (10% of your body weight) can be life-threatening, especially for the elderly and small children.
Taste & Health
Making your own sports drink at home is easy on the wallet, convenient, and better for your health. Plus, you probably already have everything you need to stir up a refreshing rehydrating drink! What are electrolytes? Sports drinks and rehydration solutions are often advertised as having electrolytes. But what role do electrolytes play when it […]
Taste & Health
Calorie-free, plain or flavoured: the many faces of sparkling water To stay hydrated while enjoying life to its fullest, nothing beats Eska sparkling water. Calorie-free, plain or flavoured, our water is perfect for any occasion and is the perfect alternative to still water. Here’s how to enjoy it as often as you want. Ready for some […]
Taste & Health
6 frequently asked questions Everyone knows that hydration is essential to good health. While the virtues of still water are well known, where does sparkling water stand? Is it as good for your health, or is it hiding something? Are all sparkling waters the same? We’ll take a closer look at these questions and help […]