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From our commitment to sustainability and eco-friendly solutions to healthy mocktail recipes to spotlights of those following their true nature, you can always dive deep into expertise, perspective, and celebrate the Follow Your True Nature Spirit right here on our blog. Join the conversation. Leave comments. Ask questions. And share your experience with #recycleoflife or #followyourtruenature on all our social platforms.

The follow your true nature series

is a celebration of those following their true nature, becoming their best selves, and positively influencing our world.

  • Taste & Health

Proud in every colour: your summer mocktails

Looking for a healthy and nonalcoholic way to enjoy summer? As part of our campaign Pride in all its colours, two mixologists, Shawn Fabres from Nhau and Marina Mammoliti from Le Renard, have created six mocktails for you in the six colours of the Pride flag. As with Khate Lessard, who joined us in testing […]

  • The Recycle of Life

Portrait of Khate Lessard: when following your true nature makes total sense

A dazzling and vibrant young woman, Khate Lessard perfectly embodies the image of someone who “follows her true nature.” She may appear successful and calm today, but the road leading to this state of well-being was a rocky one. As part of the campaign Pride in all its colours, we sat down with Khate at […]

  • Taste & Health

Stay hydrated: when hydration goes viral

Have you seen these? Over the past several years memes entitled Stay hydrated and Drink water, with their accompanying hashtags, have been all over social media. Whether serious, or using irony or a touch of dark humour, they remind us of the importance of staying hydrated.  Drink water: trendy, but sage advice The Stay hydrated […]

  • Follow your true nature

Protecting the esker: Eska’s role as guardian of sustainability

Aside from bringing Canadians a pure taste of nature, Eska plays the role of guardian of sustainability in protecting the Saint-Mathieu-Lac-Berry esker—a valuable, renewable resource that is constantly and carefully monitored. But what exactly is an esker, and how does Eska protect it? Keep reading to learn more!  What is the Saint-Mathieu-Lac-Berry esker? Located 600 km […]

  • Recipes

True or false? Test your knowledge of bottled water

Have you ever wondered if bottled water has an expiration date, or if organic water is a real thing? Test your knowledge of bottled water with these 5 true or false questions.  True or false: Bottled water doesn’t have a taste. False. If you prefer the taste of one bottled water over another, it’s not […]

  • Taste & Health

The truth about winter dehydration

Exercising outdoors is a great way to get some fresh air and beat the winter blues. And this season more than ever, thousands of Canadians have splurged on snowshoes, skis and other winter sports gear to stay active, sane and as social as they can with all that’s going on in the world. But what […]

  • The Recycle of Life

rPET, explained: a more sustainable water bottle solution

As we all work towards building a more sustainable future, our recycling ventures can turn old plastics into new treasures. Let’s take a closer look at rPET—what it is, how it’s made and why it’s a more eco-friendly choice for our planet.  From PET to rPET: recycling everyday plastics into new treasures  Whenever you grab […]

  • Follow your true nature

The purity of the Eska bottling process

Eska natural spring water is bottled straight at the esker source, where it goes through a 15-year process of natural filtration. No more than five minutes after being pumped from underground, the water gets sealed in our signature recycled plastic bottle. Talk about fresh!  We sat down with our Chief Operating Officer and Vice President […]